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Emotional Actualization

Emotional pertains to the emotions, i.e. that what 'moves' our inner self. Traditionally this has been called the 'soul'. Psychologists who make it their job of studying emotions many call by many other names. Lately, it has been more addressed as part of the mind, rather than the soul. However, what is common is that it addresses how we feel about our selves and our environment, and about the relation between the two.

From the moment we are born, we are in the 'pursuit of happiness', not realizing that happiness comes from within and not from our environment. Yet, we are forever struggling with our environment to make it suit us.

The emotional side of us is closely linked to our mental side, like the left and right hand side of the brain. Yet, we can choose to emphasize our development through the emotional level. This is especially true for artists, who hone their skills to play on the emotions of their audience.

As in the physical training, the emotional development has a very disciplining effect. Artists, when young, may be very emotional in all they do. They may be unconventional, as they are trying to express themselves the way they feel, regardless what their audience feels or thinks. As they are getting more skilled, they change to express themselves to make the audience feel the way they do. They learn to communicate, often by suppressing their own direct response.

e.g. An actor will follow the script, and act and feel what the character he plays will do and feel, totally ignoring his own feelings. But in doing so, he is transforming all his energy and emotions into those of the character, making the communication the more effective for it.

Painters go the same route. Initially, trying to paint the way they feel and see their environment, until they finally reach the stage that they can express the emotions common to all who where involved in the topic of their painting. At that point they are capable of communicating with their audience across time barriers and cultural barriers.

The concept of handicap plays a great role here too. Psychologists have identified many of our emotions and phobia. Whereas some fears may push some people into action, it may push others away to total inaction. They may come to the point that they can't get ahead without external help. Often all they need is the rebuilding of hope, and a little push to get started on their actualization. They have to realize that they must liberate themselves from their past and how they feel today. All they really need is a change of attitude....which brings us to the next levels.